Tuesday, February 01, 2005

My Submission

Upon my submission to love
It arrived to me I’m unaware
Mugged into life with a challenging dare
Motionless as I took a deep stare
For a long time I froze my soul into a stone
Accepted that all but love I can not own
At time when I accepted life living alone
My plans were torn
As the days drag it self unexpected miracle is grown
I’m left to gaze deeply into dawn
Suddenly I feel I’m drained out of life
Yet breathing is my sign for being alive
Beyond my protest to the unknown I dive
Till my final submission to love I put my ultimate strive
Such destiny took its final laughter
Granted me love- if it was by choice I would never go after
I made a promise to give every thing except for love I closed my door
I thought nothing will deter me from this lore
Never expected that fate runs its own wheel
Destiny swaps our expectations in a reel
When love strikes seems this heart is of out shield
Suddenly I find myself in a magical field
Love takes the total spell
Even baring the soul out of its shell
Deterring on my intended mission
I can not deny myself into this final love submission

Copyright 2005, nasra al adawi


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