When I grow into love
A garden field finds its way
A path of earth
That sobers me
Not just romance
Falling gently with dew
I find myself
Had grown
In maturity of tree
Like a wall built to stand
Defeating obscurities
I learned to make space
Without titles of scarifies
Meeting you half the way
As me and you tangle
Birthing a new meaning
In our entanglement
Just one obvious tree
Strong enough
Hardly can bend
In currents of wind
Copyright 2006 Nasra Al Adawi
I dedicate this poem to Rauf . Who has been kind enough to offer his photos to me to use with my poetry without even asking his permission. Rauf had somehow discovered that I get really inspired through photography. The photo of this tangled tree was so touching, I just had to gaze at it and allow it to speak to me. Please click (Here)to visit his blog. He has a very informative blog with powerful thoughts….